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Copyright ©2002-05 Eric Trinh
All rights reserved.

WinTransRC manages multilingual MS Visual C++™ resource files!


Version 2.0beta:
- ADD: UNICODE RC files support
- ADD: Import and Export of binary files (RC, RES, EXE or DLLs)

Version 1.4:
- ADD: Visual menu editor
- ADD: Import/Export TMX.1 dictionaries
- ADD: Support for rulers and guides in dialog editor
- ADD: Control resource synchronization with dictionaries
- ADD: Warn the user when the resource file is modified outside WinTransRC
- MOD: Sort languages in add language dialog
- MOD: Use hash value for dictionary entries (accelerate dictionary processings) and should fix some problems with case sensisitive search and long strings. Dictionaries are no longer compatible with older versions
- FIX: Update bug when graphically changing the size of a dialog then all other dialog views are changed to the modified dialog
- FIX: Use replacement string after undoing a deletion
- FIX: Crash in dialog editor when deleting the dialog
- FIX: Fix undo bug where some resources may be lost or put at a bad position in some circumstances
- FIX: Do not ask anymore to apply to all when modififying a "not translated" caption
- FIX: Many other bugs

Version 1.3:
- ADD: replace the text of a new resource by a default string
- ADD: Option to export to dictionary only resources not ranslated (to be translate later)
- FIX: Improve quoted strings detection
- ADD: The report view can now check dialog controls text length
- MOD: Improve MS Glossary importation
- ADD: Check if new string is valid
- MOD: Improved static control management
- MOD: Sort stringtable
- ADD: Report lines of parsing errors
- FIX: Several bugs fixed




WinTransRC version 2.0beta is available